Wednesday 19 December 2012

Make a Christmas Card

We've been getting into the festive spirit with some Christmas makes.

Amelie has been making LOADS of lovely things at preschool, she has come home wanting to carry on making anything Christmasy! Luckily, our Something to Make book has some quick and easy makes for us to create.

This Christmas Card was used to write to Father Christmas with Amelie's wish list (which was... and actually... still is growing by the day).

Our completed Christmas Card

Time taken for us to make: 15 minutes

Cost to me: Nothing

Original instructions

What we used: 
  • Card 
  • Scissors
  • Coloured tissue paper 
  • Glue
  • Glitter

What we did: 

We started by folding a sheet of card in half ready to be decorated. We then took green tissue paper and folded it a couple of times to make several layers. and cut tree shaped triangles with scissors (we only used a couple of the trees, but you could use them to make more cards).

Cut triangles for a tree design 

Next we got on with our design. We chose to over lap the triangles to create a forest of Christmas trees. To add interest and colour we added red shiny stickers for baubles and glitter to represent snow. 

Glue the paper and glitter to deign your card
To finish we added a 'Happy Christmas' sticker in the bottom corner. 

This was very quick and easy to make, so they are ideal for when you run out of printed cards and suddenly remember you have forgotten to write one to an old neighbour. They'll feel very special thinking the kids have taken the time to make one for them.