Friday 7 September 2012

Readers 'Makes'

Just wanted to add a post to show everyone some great 'makes' pictures - I can hear Tony Hart introducing viewers artwork in The Gallery as I type... If you are a British child of the 70's or 80's you will undoubtedly remember a children's TV presenter called Tony Hart and his BRILLIANT art programmes such as Vision On and Hartbeat. He always encouraged viewers to send in their art which he would then show on his programmes in a section called 'The Gallery'. Anyway, enough reminiscing... don't even get me started on Neil Buchanan and 'Art Attack' - Love it.

Back to why we are here... We're so pleased that people are joining in!! Yay!

Amelie received an actual 'make' in the post from a lovely friend. Stephanie has been getting creative during her coffee break (you see, this isn't just about having fun with kids). This Coin Picture (see Blog Post: 07.08.12) was created using materials found in a desk drawer. Thank you Stephanie, we have stuck it in our Scrapbook (see Blog Post: 27.07.12) x

Another treat for us was seeing little Mia and her Mum Ren making Sock Puppets (see Blog post: 10.08.12). They created 'Sid' and 'Twinkle Toes' - Great names girls. Thank you for sending us your lovely pictures. 

Twinkle Toes & Sid 

We'd love to see more of our readers photos. You can send them to us via Facebook or Twitter x

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