Monday 21 January 2013

Make a Christmas Montage

Happy New Year you lovely readers x

Christmas is over, decorations are stored away for 11 months, places have been found for the many new toys that have come into the home... even the incredible amount of cheese has been devoured and the fridge shelves are looking a little more healthier. But what to do with all of the lovely Christmas cards loved ones have sent with season greetings? Well... here is a simple make that the kids will enjoy and makes use of what would have gone into the recycling bin.

Time taken for us to make: 15 minutes to cut out the pictures 10 minutes spent gluing and sticking.

Cost to me: Nothing

Original Instructions

What we used: 

  • Old Christmas cards
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Sheet of green A4 paper 

What we did: 
We cut out pictures from a collection Christmas cards that Amelie particularly liked.

Cut out the images
Then Amelie glued down the cut out images onto a sheet of green paper. 

Glue the images onto a piece of paper.

Amelie loves these gluing activities. We often use images from magazines, or (as a treat) we'll buy a pack of  stickers. She usually enjoys grouping images together by colour, size or type, eg: animals, flowers etc. It keeps Amelie entertained for ages which leaves me time to get on with things that need to be done around the house, or simply put my feet up for a while! 

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