Thursday 30 August 2012

Forward Planning... Flower Pressing for 'Pressed-Flower Calendar'.

Today we made preparations for a 'Make' that we will be creating later in the year. To make a Pressed-Flower Calendar we need... pressed flowers!

We had to collect flowers now, while there is still a variety to choose from before the autumn sets in. If you don't have the time to do this within the next couple of weeks, you could collect a variety of leaves as they change to shades of red, orange, yellow and purple in the autumn.

We collected some wild flowers on the way home from the shops. There are lots of wild flowers / pretty weeds to be found next to paths. Just a note - Do keep an eye on your child as they dash around picking flowers... a neighbour could get very angry if their prized Begonias are pinched!

Our collection of flowers and leaves

After collecting our wild flowers, we ventured into our garden to carefully gather some leaves and blooms. 


You can buy a 'flower-press' from most craft stores or some toy or book shops. But we'll be using a pile of heavy books. To help keep the flowers in place as we transfer them to and from the bottom of the pile of books, I cut along the edges of a plastic wallet so it is only intact one side. You could use a magazine. I then placed a piece of paper in the wallet, upon which the flowers will be placed. We trimmed the stems of the flowers and then placed them facedown onto the paper.

Trimmed plastic wallet

Trimming the stems 

Flowers and leaves in place on paper 

When all of the flowers and leaves were in place, we added another sheet of paper on top and closed the plastic wallets. The wallets were then placed in the back cover of a large book and then heavy books were added on top. The pile of books are to be left for one week. We'll be leaving them until the flowers are needed as this will be the safest place for them.

Wallet placed in book
Heavy books were placed on top
We'll return to this in November or December when we'll be making the calendars as Christmas gifts.

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