Friday 10 August 2012

Make a Sock Puppet

This 'Make' is so easy and takes no time to do, but it can give you hours of fun playing with them!

Playing with puppets can really get a child's imagination going. They love communicating with these funny little creatures by either speaking to them directly or speaking as the puppet.

Time taken for us to make it: 10 mins

Cost to me: No cost

Original 'Make a Sock Puppet' instructions
 What we used: 

  • 2 x Children's socks (you can use adult socks but they can be too bulky for children's hands)
  • Coloured felt tip pens 

What we did: 

To create the face of our sock puppets we pulled the socks onto our left hand and tucked the toes of the sock into our fist. With a felt tip pen we drew a face. The eyes were placed on the knuckles and lips where the sock folds into the fist. 

Grab a sock

Tuck the sock toes into your fist

Draw a face onto the sock using a felt tip pen

Meet Sebastian...
and Simon!

There you have it! Sock puppets... so easy!! Of course you could use buttons for eyes, add wool hair, even bows or earrings. You can spend as much time and care over it as you like. We kept it simple as that is what the original instructions stated, but we may make more elaborate ones in the future. 

Amelie loved making these because of their simplicity. She loves playing with them even more. 'Simon' became a firm friend very quickly. She introduced him to her toys, played 'Pirates' with him and he even had his own plate at lunch!

Remember, If you have made anything from this blog, we'd love to see you pictures. You can get them to us via Facebook or Twitter.

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