Tuesday 7 August 2012

Make Coin Pictures

Making coin pictures need very little materials. So, as the sun was shining we made ours are in the garden.

Us enjoying the garden

Making coin pictures give you the opportunity to teach your children about currency (if you haven't already done so). We opened Amelie's money box and talk about each coin, their colour, shape and value. 

To make these pictures you need to draw around coins to build up a picture. This is a good exercise for pencil control. 

Time taken for us to make it: 30 mins  
Cost to me: Not a penny... We used Amelie's money box ;o)

Instructions in our 'Something to Make' book
What we used:

  • Coins
  • Paper 
  • Pencil
  • Pens & Crayons

What we did: As we were making these in the garden we taped the sheets of A4 paper to two large, hard-backed books. This just prevents the wind from whipping them to the end of the garden! We then started drawing around coins to gradually build our pictures. 

Concentrating hard - Drawing around a coin

Drawing in the garden is very relaxing

Once the picture was drawn we then coloured it in. 

Drawing around the coin
Colouring In - My favourite bit. 
I chose to make a garden scene, Amelie (with a little help from me) created a dinosaur. 

We coloured Amelie's dinosaur using different shades of green with felt tip pens, crayon and ball point pen. This created textures to represent scales. We then cut the pictures out, mounted them and fixed them into our scrapbook. 

Amelie's Dinosaur

My Garden Scene!
As you can see, this was very simple to create and more interesting than simply drawing a picture. Please do give it a go and let us know how you get on. 

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