Thursday 16 August 2012

Something I Found...

Since starting this blog (only a couple of weeks ago!) I have been introduced to so many fantastic Websites, Facebook Pages, Twitter Accounts, Pinterest Boards and Blogs besides my own. I am giddy with beautiful photography, tips & recipes.

One particular website really stood out... The Simple Things. This site seems to embrace everything that I do. There is an abundance of gorgeous little articles that encourages people to stop and smell the roses, spend time with friends and family, home cooked food, make the most of what you have and make your life richer with no real financial cost - For example; long muddy walks don't cost a penny, but they are SO satisfying!

I figured that if you are reading my blog, you'd enjoy taking a look at The Simple Things website too. And if, like me, you enjoy a good magazine, I have further good news... They are releasing a magazine on the 6th September 2012. I have already subscribed! You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

I'll be sure to 'share the love' as I come across other things that you lovely readers may find interesting. I'd love to receive your recommendations too.

Much love x

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