Wednesday 15 August 2012

Make a String-Holder Cat

I wrote the draft for this blog in the garden - How lovely!!

This is my favourite make yet! The String-Holder Cat is very cute and looks very 70's, which it should, as the 'Something to Make' book was published in 1971.

This 'make' involves sewing. I am not the greatest seamstress but it goes to show that if I can manage to make this, then anyone can! I do love using felt... it's cheap, easy to use, doesn't fray (so no need to hem) and it comes in vibrant colours.

String-Holder Cat
Even though there are many steps to making this, it is very simple. Kids will love choosing what colour felt to use for the different features. It is also a great way to introduce children to sewing. All it needs is a simple stitch to keep the front and back together. If you are more experienced with a needle you can choose to sew a blanket stitch, which gives a nice finish. 

Time taken for us to make: 1 hour 

Cost to me: Nothing. We had all of the materials already at home from making things in the past. 

Original Instructions...

What we used: 

  • Felt in different colours
  • A small bowl (you could use a plate)
  • A needle and embroidery thread
  • A small coin 
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pen
  • Small length of ribbon 
  • A ball of string 

What we did: 

We placed the bowl upside down on the felt and drew around it. We then cut it out and another exactly the same. A small hole was needed in one (for the cats mouth) and a slit was cut into the other. 

Draw round a bowl
Cut out the circle & another

Cut a hole for the cat's mouth
Cut a slit in the back piece
Using the different coloured felt we cut out a nose, using the coin as a template for a circle. Along with some bright yellow feline eyes. We fixed the eyes & nose with PVA glue (no sewing required).We chose to sew whiskers, but the instructions did say to use four broom bristle, simply pushed through the fabric. I was worried that they would fall out easily.  

Draw, cut out and fix the features
Sew whiskers

Sock puppet 'Simon' leant a hand (pun intended!). 

The ears were cut out of felt and glued to the inside of the circle needed for the back, along with a loop of ribbon placed between the ears.

Glue the ears to the 'Back' circle 
Glue the ribbon loop between the ears

All that was left to do was oversew the two circles together neatly all the way round taking care to leave the ears and loop sticking out.

Complete 'Back' circle 
Complete 'Front'Circle 
Oversew the two circles together

The ball of string was placed into the holder via the slit in the back and the end is pulled through the hole in the front.  

Place string through the back... 
and bring the string out through the mouth

And there you have it, a String-Holder Cat. Amelie LOVES it and it's now hanging proudly in her bedroom.

Remember, we'd love to see your 'makes'. You can send them to us via our Facebook group or Twitter.

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